Economical aspects of sustainability acknowledge that sustainable companies also have to be profitable in order to be able to invest the profit into, for example, renewable energy, to pay their employees appropriately as well as offer further education; in short, to meet the ecological and social aspects. However, maximizing profits cannot be the only goal. It is important that we economize in a way that does not harm future generations; that future generations are not limited in their lifestyle and their personality development. Thus, the company has to implement long-term strategies to guarantee that. (cf. Schaltegger, Herzig, Kleiber, Klinke und Müller, 2007)
With the certification according to the environmental management norm coming up and its integration with our quality management, we commit to improving our management system sustainably and in the long term in consideration of social and ecological aspects. Independent certification institutes will accompany us on that journey.
More information about our quality management as well as our environmental management here.
Source: Schaltegger, Herzig, Kleiber, Klinke und Müller (2007). Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in Unternehmen: Von der Idee zur Praxis: Managementansätze zur Umsetzung von Corporate Social Responsibility und Corporate Sustainability. URL: Accessed: 23.06.2022.